Sharing the Gospel Through Music

Our Mission,

1st. We proclaim the love of Christ to anyone who will listen.

2nd. To be an example that we have, not only the right , but the responsibility to live our faith in public!

We hope that you will join us as we bring God’s music, and His message of love, into the public again.

The Truth Is..

There are always consequences for our decisions. Sometimes those consequences are good, sometimes not so much. Nevertheless we are responsible for our choices. God says that the wages of our sin is death, in other words, when we choose sin we earn death.

This is why Christ came and died, He paid the price for our choices!

We did the crime but Jesus paid our fine.

However, God in His loving kindness, came to earth and took humanity upon himself. He lived a perfect sinless live and took our punishment on the cross. By doing this He provided a way for us to be reconciled with Him. The only thing He asks in return is for us to accept this loving, free gift. He asks us to simply agree with him that we did wrong and trust completely in His loving payment on the cross.